
    Daddy/Daughter Dance

    We cordially invite fathers and daughters to an enchanted evening at our Once Upon A Time Daddy/Daughter Dance on March 29th. Dance, laugh and create treasured memories.

    Save your place at royal court here!

    Hear ye! Calling all noble fathers, grandfathers, and father figures to escort their fair princesses (ages 3+) to the enchanted Once Upon A Time Royal Daddy/Daughter Dance!

    Join us for an evening of dancing, feasting and magical moments at our Daddy/Daughter celebration.

    Royal Details:

    • Date: Saturday, March 29th, 2025
    • Time: 6:00-8:00pm
    • Castle Location: MPC Courtyard (Fellowship Hall at Mandarin Road Campus if rain)
    • Royal Tribute: $40 per Daddy/Daughter pair, $15 each additional princess
    • Feast included

    Secure your place at court by March 24th!



    Join us for a transformative 72-hour weekend getaway to explore the love and grace of Jesus. 

    For more info, click here

    Experience The Great Banquet, a 72-hour weekend retreat designed for guests to come together to eat, laugh, sing, pray, and grow deeper in their faith as they explore Jesus.

    You are invited to join us at the Great Banquet! Mark your calendars for the upcoming Great Banquet weekends:

    • Spring 2025 Women's Great Banquet weekend is April 3-6
    • Spring 2025 Men's Great Banquet weekend is April 24-27

    What is the Great Banquet?

    Beginning on Thursday evening and ending Sunday evening, Great Banquet guests eat, laugh, sing, pray, learn and live together. During each of the fifteen talks given by laity and clergy, the theme of God's grace is presented, followed by a time of discussion. Guests participate daily in the celebration of Holy Communion and examine the presence of Christ in his body of believers. Through the prayers and acts of a loving, Christian support community, they experience God's grace in a personal and tangible way.

    For more information and an application to attend, please visit nefgb.com.


    Eggstravaganza at MPC

    Join us for an afternoon of Easter Family Fun! Click here for all the fun details! 

    Eggstravaganza at MPC

    Sunday, April 13th, 3:00 - 5:30 pm 
    MPC Church Campus - 2501 Loretto Road, Jacksonville, FL 32223

    We're inviting our community to enjoy an exciting Easter celebration. Bring your loved ones and invite your friends and neighbors to join us for a fun-filled afternoon. 

    We have a variety of activities lined up for all ages, including:

    • Egg hunts
    • Inflatable Obstacle Courses
    • Pony Rides
    • Petting Zoo
    • Crafts
    • Games
    • Snacks
    • & More!

    There is no charge for this event. We are looking forward to seeing you there!

    Should you have any questions, please contact our front office at 904.680.9944 or by email. 

    If you are new to MPC, check out "What to Expect" for our church campus map and more details. Volunteers are needed! Please email Wendy for details. 



    Easter at MPC

    Join us as we celebrate the joy and hope of Easter! Click here for all our Easter events and activities! 

    Join us as we celebrate the joy and hope of Easter! Whether you're a long-time member of our church family or exploring faith for the first time, we invite you to experience the transformative message of resurrection and new life with us. We look forward to celebrating this joyous season together!


    Easter Lilies - 

    Once again, our church offers the opportunity to give an Easter Lily in memory or honor of loved ones. These beautiful flowers will be displayed in the Sanctuary on Easter Sunday, with the names of those honored and remembered printed in the bulletin. To order your Easter Lily, fill out this form. Each plant costs $15, and the deadline to order is Sunday, April 13th. We look forward to seeing you on Easter Sunday.

    Eggstravaganza - 

    Sunday, April 13th, 3:00-5:30pm - Church Campus
    Bring the family and enjoy an afternoon of egg hunts, pony rides, a petting zoo, crafts, inflatable obstacle courses, food and fun! This event is open to the community, so invite your friends and neighbors! Visit Eggstravaganza for more details. 

    Maundy Thursday Service - 

    Thursday, April 17th, 7:30pm - Sanctuary, Church Campus
    Join us for a unique worship experience that will allow you to connect with Christ’s sacrifice in an intimate way. A separate event for kids in 1st - 5th grades will be available. Nursery will be available for kindergarten or younger. Email Beth Wolfram to register your child.

    Easter Sunday Services

    Sunday, April 20th   
    We will have the following services: 

    • Sunrise -  6:30am at Mandarin Cemetery.
    • Traditional Service - 9:00am at our Church Campus with music led by the Sanctuary Choir & Concert Band.
    • Contemporary Service - 10:30am at our Church Campus with music by the Worship Team.

    Kids programming for all ages is available for the Traditional and Contemporary Services. 

    We ask that if you are able, please park on our Office Campus on Mandarin Road on Easter Sunday so that we can make room for our guests and first-time attendees! 


    Kids Events

    Check out upcoming kids events and activities! 

    Our KidMin 2025 Events - click here for calendar.

    K-Kamp info: Click here 
    Register for K-Kamp: Click here
    Interested in Volunteering for K-Kamp? Contact Wendy Greer

    Scamp Info: Click here
    Scamp Camper Registration: Click here
    Volunteers: Register here

    Winshape info: Click here

    Winshape Camper Registration: Click here

    Volunteer with Winshape: Click here

    Sign up for the next 5Up: Click here.

    Southwind Middle School Camp
    Info & Registration Click here




    Middle School Events

    Hang 10 Calendar, Special Events & More!

    Spring Calendar 2025

    Southwind Registration - opens March 10 at 9am

    New to Hang 10? Click HERE to complete our new student form.

    Click HERE to pay online for Hang 10 Meals. 

    MPC Medical form is required for all events. You can complete online with event registration or by clicking HERE





    High School Events

    Crave Calendar, Mission Trips & More!

    Spring Calendar 2025

    New to Crave? Click HERE to complete our new student form.

    Mission trip information and applications are on our high school missions page - click HERE

    MPC Medical form is required for all events. You can complete online with event registration or by clicking HERE.






    Get a Grip on the Bible 

    A 10-week class chronicling the themes and major events of Biblical history. 

    Click here for more details and to view recorded sessions.

    Have you ever wondered how the different books of the Bible and their stories fit together? Do you find yourself confused by the prophets in the Old Testament, or unsure how the Old and New Testaments relate to one another? If so, you're not alone! Pastor Andrew Stepp will guide us through a Bible study, Get a Grip on the Bible, designed to help answer your questions. Get a Grip on the Bible is a 10-week class that walks through the redemption story from Creation to Revelation, chronicling the themes and major events of Biblical history. Please join us as we walk through God's story from Eden to the Ends of the Earth!

    Date: February 4 - April 16, 2025

    If you have any questions, please contact Cindy Althouse

    Recorded Sessions:

    Week 1
    Week 2
    Week 3
    Week 4
    Week 5
    Week 6




    Vision Night

    Hear What God is Doing at MPC & Our Path Forward.

    Click here to access the recap video. 

    Thank you to everyone who attended our recent Vision Night. If you missed it, you can click to watch the recap video. It's a great opportunity to hear from Senior Pastor Andrew Stepp on what God is doing in our church and what's in store for MPC looking ahead!