MPC's GriefShare is a friendly, caring group that will walk alongside you through one of life's most difficult experiences. You don't have to go through the grieving process alone. GriefShare is for people grieving the loss of a family member or friend.
If you've lost a loved one, you may have discovered that few people truly understand the deep hurt you are feeling. This can be a confusing time when you feel isolated and have many questions about experiences you've never encountered before. GriefShare groups meet weekly for a 13-week session designed to help you face these challenges and move toward rebuilding your life.
The next GriefShare session will begin on Wednesday, February 26th - May 21st, 6-8pm in Classroom #6 on the Loretto Road Campus. Click here to register.
To learn more or to register visit or contact Carla Mayo at | (904) 680-9959.

Loss of a Spouse helps men and women grapple with the challenges of losing a spouse. This two-hour seminar features an inspiring video filled with moving stories, practical advice, and various perspectives on spousal loss. After the video, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss what you learned with other participants. You’ll discover that you’re not alone in your grief and that what you are going through is normal.
The next Loss of a Spouse class is on Saturday, February 15th, 10am-Noon in the Chapel on the Mandarin Road Campus. Click here to sign up.
To learn more or to register for Loss of a Spouse and/or Griefshare, visit or contact Carla Mayo at | (904) 680-9959.