Welcome to MPC Young Adults!

MPC Young Adults is a group for those 22-30 looking to connect and navigate life’s transitions together! Focused on those in the workforce, in grad school, or a young professional, our goal is to create space for a community that will encourage you to grow in faith and impact the world! So whether you are married or single, in school or a young professional, have it all together, or are just trying to find your next step – you belong here!

Join us Tuesday evenings from 7-9pm in the "couch room" on the Mandarin Road Campus. We will gather for dinner, community, Bible study, and prayer.

For more info, contact Devyn Nelson at dnelson@mandarinpres.com or email YoungAdultMinistry@mandarinpres.com.

For weekly updates, follow us on Instagram @mpcyoungadults