



God has given us the unique privilege of serving Him through music. Music is a tool which, under the leading of the Holy Spirit, places people into an interactive worship experience with Jesus Christ.

Adult Music Groups

Sanctuary Choir

Open to anyone in 9th grade and above, no audition is required to become a choir member. The choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm and leads our 9:00 am Sunday worship, as well as performing special music throughout the year.

Worship Team

The Worship Team is a group of singers and instrumentalists who lead the 10:30 am Sunday worship service. Worship Team membership is by audition, due to the size of the group and the level of commitment required.

Handbell Choir

The Handbell Choir is open to experienced ringers who are interested in experiencing the joy of ringing bells.  This group meets weekly on Monday at 6:15 pm from September - May and performs throughout the year.  

No experience?  No problem!  Consider joining our Beginning Bell Choir which meets weekly on Monday at 5:15 pm.  You'll learn ringing techniques, rhythm pattern and much more.

For additional information or interest in being a part of the Adult music program contact Music Director Bill Vasko by email or call 904.680.9944.