The Gospel of Luke shows us a Savior who deliberately sought out those on society’s margins—the sick, the foreigners, the poor, the overlooked. The invitation to follow Him isn’t reserved for a select few—it’s extended to everyone, everywhere. As we work our way through our "Invited" sermon series, we invite you to journey through the Gospel of Luke alongside us. Below are some tips and resources for reading the Gospel of Luke.
With 24 chapters in total, here are several ways you can experience this powerful book:
For Deep Immersion (4 chapters daily):
- Complete the entire Gospel in just 6 days
- Read it four times each month
- By April, you could complete Luke's Gospel 14 times during our series
For Steady Engagement (2 chapters daily):
- Finish the Gospel every two weeks
- Read it twice each month
- From January through April, complete 8 full readings of Luke's Gospel
For Thoughtful Reflection (1 chapter daily):
- Complete the Gospel once per month
- Take time to meditate on each chapter
- Experience Luke's Gospel 4 times during our series (January through April)
Choose the pace that best fits your schedule and spiritual journey. Whatever rhythm you select, you'll discover fresh insights into Jesus's heart for all people.
Online Resources:
Bible Project (YouTube) - video resources to help you understand and experience the Bible. Please reference the Luke videos below.
The Gospel Coalition (TGC) - online Bible study resource to help you study and understand Luke solo or with a group.
Invited Sermon Series
- Who is This? - Luke 3:21-4:13
- Hometown - Luke 4:14-30
- Fishermen - Luke 5:1-11